
[ studio ] ideas of transformations


[ studio ]

second day in a row when i've slept in till after 12...i peered outside and there is a new layer of white on the ground and the snowflakes are continuing to fall. sigh...makes me not want to walk to school but rather stay inside and be a house bum.

i was asked the other day how i can separate the movement of the body into such specific categories-one being free, the other's confined and guided. it was raised that how can anything be free as there is always something, even the physical body itself that is placing restrictions on it's movement. i suppose this is true...i've begun to design my "architectural design drawing tool"---of which i will become a vicitim to very soon. (the outcome of the project will be determined by the lines that my tool can allow/prohibit me to draw) but i realize even thru careful looking at the free body diagram, i need to make some decisions about what exactly free, guided, and confined mean. even free body diagrams portray the impact of outside forces regardless of it being isolated. some quick reference images when the words "free body diagram" are searched for---i've sifted thru to look at ones that already have an influence in the direction i am headed.


[drawing towards architecture] an exercise in line...slow & fast

Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act Falls the Shadow
Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow

-T.S. Eliot “The Hollow Men”


[ studio ] things for me to read:

B o d y A r c h i t e c t u r e i n A - m a t t e r
T h e B o d y a n d C h o r e o g r a p h e d S p a c e
M e m o r y / B o d y / E v o c a t i o n 2
A r c h i t e c t u r e o f t h e B o d y : C o s m e t i c S u r g e r y a n d P o s t m o d e r n S p a c e


beginning to understand the rhizomatic relationships between inside and outside of building plan. there is an unclear merging of the two and yet this became essential in determining the details. also, it was an exercise in copying the style of a painter whose methods were directly related to concept. in this case, paul klee's "highways & biways." need to organize my thoughts in order to fully go back and record begninning to end. these are just snippets...and broken thoughts. for this i apologize.


cellular automata - showing the relationship between man and machine and the 1 dimesional relationships between these two very different/alike things. more explanation is needed i know. but it is just an example of the near end of what is beginning to brew in my mind.